Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Kinesiology Federation (UK)

For more please visit KF website
UK Report – Where are we now?

The KF recently held their AGM on June 14th at Woodbrooke in Birmingham.UK. We would like to share some of the reports submitted by the policy board team. This is to give you (IASK) a view of the current situation in the UK.

AGM Legal Report 2014 – by Policy Board Team member Andy Cawley
Over the past year there have been several developments in the “legal” area of the KF.

1. Voluntary Accreditation: In line with member’s wish for fuller professional recognition, we have begun to explore in more detail the accreditation of our register. Discussions have been held with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council to explore the inclusion of KF registered Kinesiologists on their government recognised accredited register. The CNHC register is approved by the Professional Standards Authority. (It is called a ‘voluntary’ register as we would do not have to be statutorily registered as for example Registered Dentists or Nurses are required to be.)  Exploratory discussions have also been held with the Federation of Holistic Therapists (See appendix A)
Appendix A:
Voluntary accreditation update
  • Preliminary discussion with the Association of Systematic Kinesiologists and research on other Kinesiology professional bodies in the UK. Research shows that the KF are the majority body having approximately 80% of the registered professionals and many schools.

  • Meetings in March 2014 with Margaret Coates, Chief Executive, of CNHC and a separate meeting with Julie Tasker, who is on the board of the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT), to explore the benefits of closer links to FHT.

Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council update
CNHC are keen to receive an application from the Kinesiology sector in the UK to open their register to kinesiologists. They will only consider opening their register to professional associations who reflect the majority of kinesiologists in the UK. The KF is very well placed to lead this forward as its membership numbers and number of schools is truly wide ranging and forms a substantial majority of registered practitioners in the UK.

To be accepted the KF would need to fulfil certain criteria such as; meeting National Occupational Standards, having a code of ethics and conduct, have professional procedures e.g. complaints procedures, monitor post qualifying training requirements, be financially viable and legally secure. We are in a good position to have our register verified by the CNHC; however, one area that will need development is in criminal record disclosure.
There are no costs, other than administration costs, to become a verifying organisation for CNHC. The cost for KF members to join CNHC will be £60 pa.
Benefits: Increased government and public recognition, potential access to insurance schemes that support use of accredited therapists, possibility of being a preferred supplier to government purchasers of complementary therapies. (The CNHC started as a government sponsored organisation it has the best formal links with government on behalf of the complementary therapy services sector).
As part of the process to open their register to Kinesiologists, CNHC would require the setting up of a 4 person ‘profession specific’ board for kinesiology. The KF have had informal discussions with The Association of Systematic Kinesiologists (who currently have about 20% of the registered Kinesiologists in the UK compared to the KF with 80%) and will be invited to join with the Kinesiology Federation to possibly create a unified CNHC kinesiology register.

Federation of Holistic Therapists update
FHT have been approved as a verifying organisation by the CNHC.  This means that registered Kinesiologists who join the FHT can gain access to CNHC approved accreditation via the FHT. The cost of FHT membership is £60 per annum (currently any kinesiologist can join FHT). Benefits: a significant benefit afforded by FHT membership is their network of local support groups for therapists. FHT also have an excellent range of training courses. A benefit of closer links with the FHT could be the increased awareness of kinesiology with other therapists and the marketing of Kinesiology courses.

A potential benefit of the FHT membership is that the government may encourage accredited and registered complementary therapists to bid for the provision of well-being services at a local level. This ‘contract’ commissioning would happen through GP commissioning groups or such-like. Given the scale of these contracts it is likely that they would be awarded to multi-disciplinary groups, perhaps facilitated by FHT or other private/voluntary sector managers/providers.

Where do we want to go to?

...Towards the acceptance of Kinesiology as a health care provider worldwide, by the general public and government organisations.

Future Social Policy context: (The opinion of Andy Cawley at the KF AGM June 2014).
For the future development of complementary therapies, it is important to recognise that there continues to be a growth of ill-health within the population e.g. cancer is now 1:3 and is projected to be 1:2. This ill-health is primarily lifestyle driven and is resulting in increasing numbers of people having chronic and sometimes multiple health problems, many of which are starting at a younger age. Whilst people are also living longer, they are living longer with chronic health problems. Another issue for the government is the high cost of many allopathic treatments and expectations of the public.

The government are maintaining expenditure at the same level but are unlikely to be able to match this growth. Already, we can see signs of system collapse as it stands. The usual way public service manages resources is through the use of eligibility criteria and it is almost certain that the government will use more of this. If this is the case then the focus of the NHS will be towards treating those in highest need leaving many lower level health issues for the individual, family and voluntary sector to deal with. Indeed the government has already begun redefining health with the “well-being” agenda. It is within this context that the KF will operate. The KF is well placed to respond to increasing levels of demand.

How do we get there...?

By maintaining high professional standards...Kinesiology National Occupational Standards are adhered to by the KF for its training courses.

AGM Training Standards (TS) Report 2014 – by team members Linda Hoyland & Rachel Lead

CPD and Training Development: this is a constant topic of conversation within our training standards meetings and we recently introduced Regional meetings that can count as 3 hours CPD. The first meeting was held in February 2014, as a way of spreading the word of kinesiology. It was decided as the KF policy board travelled around the country for policy board meetings, an extra meeting would be organised the night before to enable kinesiologists to workshop and gain CPD. The first successful meeting was held at Oxford. UK. Videos of Sheldon Deal Techniques have been purchased by the KF to be used for CPD training, and various clips were used and thus contributed to lively discussions.

Clinical Observation: Shadowing or ‘Clinical Observation’ is to enable newly qualified kinesiologists to gain confidence and experience, and will be incorporated into the clinic hours for Associates, TFH Proficient’s, and anyone else who are aiming to upgrade to KFRP. Out of the 200 clinic hours required for upgrade, 10 hours can be clinical observation. We would like to put together a list of KF registered Kinesiologists who are happy to offer this service. The proposed criteria is that the Kinesiologist must be at KFRP level and have a minimum of 1 year’s experience at that level. A form which is in progress needs to be signed by teacher/practitioner.

Membership Categories

Fully Qualified Status
Please could Instructors and HOKs ensure that new students are given the full information regarding Kinesiology training and the KNOS i.e. assessments, core subjects, clinical hours etc. TS has received feedback that some students have been dismayed to discover that they need to do more training to become fully Registered professionals with the KF after they have completed their advanced training.

There has been much discussion recently about whether Associates are upgrading to KFRP or are happy to remain in the associate category where they can still have insurance and practice without completing the remaining KNOS requirements. TS have been looking at ways to encourage members to upgrade to KFRP so that we can continue to maintain high standards of training and therapeutic practice. Linda Hoyland did some research recently which showed that associates are indeed upgrading. However TS have received feedback that:
·         A category is required for those that intend to upgrade and a category for those who do not.
·         Only KFRP and upwards are classed as fully trained Kinesiologists, and as such can apply to be Registered. 

Energy Medicine
Mandie has been very pro-active at instigating and holding talks with the UK Energy Medicine representative, Madison King, about the possibility of UK Energy Medicine practitioners being able to join the KF. The talks are in progress with the new EM Director of Education and we are hoping to hear back from them soon. 

In the KF Policy Board and Teams

New KF website in progress – contact Jackie Belton ( in the Communication and Marketing Team.

·         Local meetings to be encouraged and formed as a ‘spin off’ from Regional meetings. These local groups could attend local Health shows together promoting kinesiology and their own business.
·         Log Books, by popular request are to be resumed (as a downloadable resource on the website)
·         Reflective Practice...a document is being produced to help members to record this
·         Insurance - there has been some confusion on whether students can charge a fee for practice sessions. Balens have now amended the KF Block Insurance application form to clarify that Student members cannot charge a fee for practise sessions and case studies, but can accept donations.
·         Updating Mentoring Documents  - is in progress after collecting feedback from current KF mentors
·         New membership pack – a leaflet is being produced to be made available for Instructors to promote joining the KF.

 Who is doing what... and how we participate with IASK...

·         Rachel Lead is prepared to act as a liaison between IASK and the KF, until such time that another person can be found to take on this role.

·         Research I have spoken to Marcia Fletcher who is very happy to link with IASK re research matters. I will be forwarding some information from Marcia soon...

·         I will ask Mandie Gray our KF Administrator to send IASK the following in due course...

1.   The KF Ezine, any communication and happy stories.
2.   Criteria for KF Professional membership and categories
3.   Criteria for Professional Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
4.   Ethics and Code of Conduct (currently being updated)
5.   Legal and Regulatory Items
6.   Criteria for Recognition of KF Training Courses/Workshops
7.   Kinesiology National Occupational Standards –UK.
8.   Statistics, ie practitioners, persons seeking help, number of schools etc
9.   Anything else that the KF Admin or Policy Board feel is appropriate for the IASK website
We of the KF appreciate the efforts and hard work of the IASK board

KF Policy Board

Sue Keeping (Chairperson) -

Andy Cawley (Legal) -
Linda Hoyland (Training Standards) -
Rachel Lead (Training Standards) -
Jackie Belton (Comms & Marketing) -
Louise Cooke (Finance) -

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