Monday, November 9, 2015

G.E.M.S. = Goal- Element- Mode- Stack How to bring TfH to a deeper level!

The flyer for the class in Dutch you can find here!

Dear Colleagues,
As you all know, Alexis Costello gave a speech on G.E.M.S. at the conference in Banff last September.

In January 2016 Alexis will attend the IASK board and general meeting in the Netherlands. She is willing to exclusively train TfH-instructors in only two days time in her GEMS material and become a GEMS instructor yourself!
Matthew Thie has approved GEMS and given Alexis permission to use the TfH related materials in the class. IKC approval is pending.

Touch for Health Netherlands (Paulien de Roos) has joined forces with the Dutch School voor Kinesiology (Lilian Beeks en Jeannette Wensink) to organise these two days of GEMS instructor training exclusively for TfH-instructors of six European countries: Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Belgium and Great Britain together with the Netherlands! Since Alexis will leave Canada to start a new life in Costa Rica with her entire family, this is a once only opportunity!!

Location and time:
Arnhem, January 11 and 12, 2016. Easily assessable by train and car.

€ 335,- including all the materials and 2x lunch.

Instructors agreement
At the end of the 2-days training you will sign an instructor agreement with Alexis. You will get allowance to translate all charts and books into your own language and spread them amongst your students with the understanding that instructors pay 10% royalties from their classes.

Maximum of 25 participants! So be quick to register! You can do so by sending an email to:

More information will follow soon.

Benefits of GEMS:
·         It offers an easy-to-follow flow chart that allows a student or practitioner to easily figure out where the priority stressors for an individual are and what balancing technique will work to resolve these efficiently. It is based on information from the TfH synthesis and is designed to allow a practitioner to flow easily from one modality to another, incorporating the entire body of knowledge available to the individual.

·         It can be used as a bridging class for those interested in taking more in-depth Specialized Kinesiology classes, such as SIPS, LEAP, Brain Integration, etc.  These classes assume that a student has knowledge of how to use finger-modes and scan sheets, work from an indicator muscle and properly stack information in the retaining mode.  None of these techniques are part of the TfH curriculum however, so often our students are left feeling overwhelmed when they arrive in the classroom and instructors are left spending large amounts of class time explaining techniques that are not really part of their modality.

·         It helps us in creating practitioners who are flexible and able to think outside the box means that they will have an easier time integrating new information, rolling with whatever a client throws at them and succeeding in general.

The flyer for the class in Dutch you can find here!

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